These are the KPBSD science standards that are applicable to this course.
First Grade:
Big Ideas and Essential Questions
- Understand how plants and animals use their external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs.
- What are some ways that plants and animals meet their needs so they can survive and grow?
Disciplinary Core Ideas
- LS1.A
- LS1.D
Second Grade:
Big Ideas and Essential Questions
- Understand what plants need to grow.
- Understand how plants depend on animals for seed dispersal and pollination.
- What do plants need to live and grow?
- How do plants depend on animals to pollinate and disperse seeds?
Disciplinary Core Ideas
- LS2.A
Third Grade:
Big Ideas and Essential Questions
- Characteristics of species survival.
- Environmental changes affecting organisms.
- Develop an understanding of the idea that when the environment changes, some organisms survive and reproduce, some move to new locations, some move into the transformed environment, and some die.
- How are plants, animals, and environments of the past similar or different from current plants, animals, and environments?
- What happens to organisms when their environment changes?
Disciplinary Core Ideas
- LS2.C
- LS4.A
- LS4.C
- LS4.D
Fourth Grade:
Big Ideas and Essential Questions
- How do plants grow and reproduce?
- Organisms have structures and functions that help them survive, grow, reproduce, and behave in a certain way.
- Animals rely on instinct and learned behavior to meet their needs.
Disciplinary Core Ideas
- LS1.A
Fifth Grade:
Big Ideas and Essential Questions
- How does matter cycle through ecosystems?
Disciplinary Core Ideas
- LS2.A
Sixth Grade:
Big Ideas and Essential Questions
- Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing the human impact on the environment.
- How does human activity affect Earth’s systems?
Disciplinary Core Ideas
- MS-ESS3-3
- ESS3.A
- ESS3.C