Lesson 1. What are Pollinators? Why are They Important?

Vanilla, coffee, chocolate, and apples; what do these foods have in common? The answer is pollinators! These foods and many more are almost completely reliant on pollinators, but what are pollinators, and what do they do? What is Pollination? Pollination is the process that allows plants to reproduce! Most plants need bees and other insects to pollinate from one plant to the next. When a bee, or other insect lands on a flower, small particles Read more…

Lesson 2: Why are Pollinators Disappearing?

Pollinators – they have been declared the most important creatures on the planet! Sadly, these amazing animals’ numbers are declining rapidly due to a number of reasons. The two major challenges that pollinators face today are habitat loss and pesticide use. Habitat Loss Habitat loss is a huge contributor to pollinator decline. Larger farming areas and expanding cities are wiping out pollinator habitat, leaving less food for pollinators to eat and fewer safe places for Read more…

Lesson 3: How Can We Help Them?

Pollinators are in trouble, but thankfully, we can help! Here are some ways to promote your pollinators! One of the best ways to promote pollinators is to plant a pollinator garden! These gardens provide both food sources and habitat for pollinators, helping their colonies grow. Want to learn how to plant a pollinator garden? Read on. Things to consider: Native Plants The first step in planting a pollinator garden is finding flowers native to your Read more…